
I lay awake staring at the ceiling, twisting and turning restlessly as I wait for another water droplet to dribble over my face. Agitated with the sound of the leaking water in the dead of the night, while others sleep so calmly I can’t help but think “ why do we have a roof that leaks every time it rains…whyyy??” I keep staring at the hole in our ceiling (out of anger) that has grown so big and it terrifies me with the thought that it will soon cause our roof to collapse on us. For a second I let my imagination take over me and picture it all in my head. My mind paints a vivid illustration of the water gushing in through the leak, taking bits and pieces of mud down with it in every fall. So strange, although I am well aware it is just in my imagination it feels so real. I can literally feel and smell the muddy water droplets flowing down from the ceiling, the very thought that whatever we have… this house, our home, the center of our lives and everything that we’ll eve...